Matthew's blog

Celebrity nude pix "scandal"

You've probably seen the headlines by now. It seems that some of the low-life scum from 4chan's /b/ sector, known to civilized society as "the depths of the Internet's filthiest sewer", bashed in the front door of Apple's iCloud service to steal the private photographs of a number of prominent celebrities.

Now that the headline (yes, it's click-bait) is out of the way, let's consider this a bit more carefully.

Model Safety

Far too many models – the vast majority female, I'm sorry to say – have at some point in their career been stuck with a "photographer" who was really just a dangerous creep. (One of these bastards recently scored a conviction on two counts of sexual assault after several models stood up for themselves, which is what got me thinking about this post.)

Whether you're a professional model, doing a bit of art on the side or hiring someone to get some nice images of you for your own use, here's some essential safety advice.


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