Matthew's blog

Hungry Deer

Spring may be arriving, but Ontario is still showing plenty of evidence of winter. Among that evidence: The local deer, desperate for anything remotely resembling food, are unusually bold about getting some from humans.

Redefining Privacy

We are in the process of redefining privacy. More shadowy actors than we can count, in both corporate and government sectors, have dedicated themselves to hoovering up, archiving and cross-referencing every bit of information they can about our personal lives.

We might not be able to stop them. We may, however, be able to enact changes, as individuals forming a society, that would render them relatively powerless.

The power of metadata

Light Shifting

The camera gives us direct control over many things that, when we're studying a scene with our eyes, are handled automatically and subconsciously.

Most notably, the camera's idea of exposure – i.e. whatever we tell it to expose – gives it a tremendous light-shifting ability compared to our eyes, which always adapt to give our brain the most well-balanced exposure possible for the conditions.

Nowhere is this more obvious than the night sky, viewed here from near Dorset, Ontario in August.

Awesome pet photos don't have to be hard

Despite what Humane Society website listings would like you to believe, it is indeed possible to take a good photograph of a dog. While pretty much every dog in the country gets its photo taken dozens of times a week, there is a significant difference between the "OMG his nose is right up in my lens it looks huge!" shots that end up on Facebook and the nice, elegant, beautiful shots that get framed and hung on the wall.


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